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Why do I write?


Sorry for all the bookish posts lately, but I learned how to use Book Brush and I'm excited! I made this! Yay!

Today, I'd planned to share a quip about coffee, which I do love. It's one of my favorite things. However, for the past few days, God has impressed upon me to share something with my friends and readers. Several people have asked me why I write. It's not something I've always done--even though I've always loved books.

I thought about my answer. Why do I write? To make a lot of money? Nope, not on a bestseller list, yet! To share a story that's in my heart with the world? Well, that is part of it, but not the entire reason. To be famous? Nope, not famous.

So, why do I write? I really asked myself this question and on Sunday, driving through town the answer hit me. I'd been struggling with a plot point in my new book, which is about 70% complete. I honestly didn't know how to get my character out of a rabbit hole we'd gone done--see I write that way--character-driven. As I drove listening to Klove, an idea popped in my head. I knew what my heroine needed to do next, and I knew the idea came from God. At that moment, I realized communion with God for His ideas and His stories is the reason I write. It's the time in my day when I hear the most from God. Sometimes I look at my word count and think, "Can I do it? Do I have anything left for the next scene?" Then, God provides an answer, a solution, a path. It's scary, fun, and exciting.

I know this is a lot for a "buy my book" post and it's not a coffee post save for the heart-shaped cup above, but I wanted to tell all my friends, family, and readers thank you. Thank you for letting my words and the stories God has given me to tell into your lives. No matter if I ever rank on a bestseller list, become famous, or simply drive around town talking to God, I'm so, so grateful. Writing has blessed me with a closer relationship with God and given me an abundance of new friends. So, thank you!

May God bless your day,


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